API documentation

API Handlers

NOTE: the api is still under design and is subject to change. to keep up with breaking changes, please either join our discord, or keep up with changes to https://github.com/JKBGL/gulag-api-docs.

Unauthorized (no api key required)

GET /api/get_player_count: return total registered & online player counts.

GET /api/get_player_info: return info or stats for a given player.

GET /api/get_player_status: return a player's current status, if online.

GET /api/get_player_scores: return a list of best or recent scores for a given player.

GET /api/get_player_most_played: return a list of maps most played by a given player.

GET /api/get_map_info: return information about a given beatmap.

GET /api/get_map_scores: return the best scores for a given beatmap & mode.

GET /api/get_score_info: return information about a given score.

GET /api/get_replay: return the file for a given replay (with or without headers).

GET /api/get_match: return information for a given multiplayer match.

GET /api/get_leaderboard: return the top players for a given mode & sort condition

Authorized (requires valid api key, passed as 'Authorization' header) NOTE: authenticated handlers may have privilege requirements.

[Normal] GET /api/calculate_pp: calculate & return pp for a given beatmap.

POST/PUT /api/set_avatar: Update the tokenholder's avatar to a given file.

TODO handlers

GET /api/get_friends: return a list of the player's friends.

POST/PUT /api/set_player_info: update user information (updates whatever received).

Last updated